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Option B Energy

Smart residential and business solar

Energy demands especially in today’s climate of rising energy costs and temperature increases require a new approach.  Option B energy offers smart solutions that will drive down your energy costs and reduce your energy consumption.
Imagine owning your own power plant.
Let option B energy smarten up your home or business.

Residential solar and battery

We will conduct an in-depth electric usage analysis to determine the right size energy system for your home. Once your system is designed, we will infuse the local and national incentives that create a truly smart financial solution. In many cases the cost of the system is zero out of pocket.

Commercial & Industrial Solar/Storage Solutions

Need to determine if solar is feasible for your business? Let us conduct a feasibility study to truly determine if solar is a good fit for your business. We offer turnkey solutions for large-scale power consumers, such as manufacturers, fabricators, and just about any commercial or industrial company.
Cut your energy costs down to less than half monthly, while reducing your companies carbon footprint.

Need to power your home or business at night?

Charge up during the day and use power at night.

Eliminate your need for power from a utility, be smart about how you use and distribute energy around your home or business.

What about power outages?

Are you prepared? Battery storage is the most viable solution today and in the future. By implementing battery storage, you will be able to power your home or business in the event your utility does not provide power.

Let Option B energy create a full solar and battery storage solution for your home or business.


Got an electric vehicle?

Option B energy has charging station solutions that can be easily installed.

Eliminate the dependence on trying to find power for your electric vehicle. We have various solutions and configurations to smarten up your home or business with an electric vehicle charging station.